
Northern Ethiopia's Stone Kingdom

The land of the Irob, one of Ethiopia's many ethnic minorities, lies in the very north of the country, on the border with Eritrea. Life in this rugged mountain world is hard. Rainfall is sparse, the soil is poor, and there are hardly any alternatives to small-scale farming.

Irobland is one of the poorest regions in Ethiopia. Nevertheless, it offers the visitors a lot: charming hiking routes, exotic plants and animals, and a population where traditional Ethiopian hospitality is still very important.

The summit of Assimba, the highest mountain in Irobland at over 3000 meters.
Cactus figs are one of the staple foods of the Irob.
There is great cohesion among the Irob, one of Ethiopia's numerous ethnic groups: burial in Alitena, the historical centre of Irobland.